Why is every teenager on this earth so obsessed with having a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I honestly don't see the appeal.
What, you have someone follow you around everywhere, controlling all of your free time, texting you every night? Big freakin whoop.
I mean yeah, when it's right, it's right. Duh. I'm not dissing you and your boyfriend.
But it's like, you can't ever be sure it's right when you're in high school. You've had at most like two boyfriends who were both probably not really even boyfriends and they were both probably huge jerks. Hence the fact they are in the past.
So how do you know it's right?
You can't know.
I mean come on, most of us can hardly plan a future that involves us alone. What makes us think we can plan a future that revolves around another person?
Every guy you ever date you'll either break up with or marry.
In that perspective, dating in high school becomes extremely unattractive,
Especially in my case, because I can't even hold a real conversation with half of my close friends.
How the heck am I supposed to hold a conversation with the same person for the rest of my life?
Yeah, not going to happen.
It seems sad, but I don't see myself getting in a relationship for the next few years,
much, MUCH less getting married.
The thought of it terrifies me.
Not because I'm afraid to get married.
I just can't think about the commitment of the whole thing.
I mean think about it.
Getting married is basicaly giving yourself to another person.
You become so close, and it freaks me out.
It literally makes me sick to my stomach, thinking about living with the same person forever.
It's not like I never want to get married, but I want to figure myself out first.
I want independence.
Maybe I'll be a Utah old maid and get married after I turn twenty five.
But I really feel bad for those girls who get married right out of high school.
It's like, live a little.
Make mistakes, go to college, get an education.
Date a whole bunch of college guys.
Get a job at a bakery, then a shoe store, then a music store.
Don't get married because you feel obligated to.
Don't get married because you have nothing else to do.
And to my fellow LDS girls, DO NOT WAIT ON YOUR MISSIONARY.
That's amazing that he went on a mission, but there's a huge chance you are going to wait two years for a guy who isn't even going to marry you.
Don't waste your time and LIVE for goodness sakes.
(edit: there isn't anything wrong with marrying an RM that you dated before they left, what I was trying to get across here is that girls who are thinking about waiting on a missionary, don't waste time writing to them every day and get yourself out there so you know for sure that you want to marry this missionary. Also never distract your missionary from doing His work with promises that you potentially cannot keep.)
Take my advice, please. Live how you want to, not because it's part of your religion or family, but because it's what you've chosen.
Choose for yourself. You're nearly an adult for crying out loud.
Thank for reading, loves! I've missed big posts like this.
song of the day (because it's all wintery now and this is my all time favorite winter song)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Thoughts of a surviving senior.
Every day I wake up and tell myself,
Megan, no matter what you do, how you dress, how much weight you lose, someone somewhere is going to judge you.
And that is their problem, not yours.
Dress how you want, go to college where you want, and be the person you want to be.
Because what they think only matters if you let it.
song of the day
Megan, no matter what you do, how you dress, how much weight you lose, someone somewhere is going to judge you.
And that is their problem, not yours.
Dress how you want, go to college where you want, and be the person you want to be.
Because what they think only matters if you let it.
song of the day
Monday, November 19, 2012
This is my Brain.
Reason #1 that I shouldn't be a graphic designer: My blog layout. Sorry guys I've been trying to fix it so that it is more cute and hipster but what'll you do.
Uhh okay there are a lot of things that I want to talk about and I'm not sure how to start so as always I'm going to dive right into it while also having no idea what I'm doing.
Lately I've had a lot of much needed alone time to just sit and think about my life and everything that's going on.
Uhh okay there are a lot of things that I want to talk about and I'm not sure how to start so as always I'm going to dive right into it while also having no idea what I'm doing.
Lately I've had a lot of much needed alone time to just sit and think about my life and everything that's going on.
I have kind of been second guessing myself on a bunch of things and I noticed I do that too much. I'm not sure how to put it into a way that I could make you understand unless this is how you think.
But essentially the way my brain works is I'll learn something and I'll be conscious of the fact that I know it is true, but in the back of my mind there is a tiny voice that constantly says, "Do I really know that, though? Have I pondered that enough to know for a fact it is true? Have I looked at every single possible side? Have I studied it and come to a conclusion that it is legitimate enough to call a knowledge?" For example, I used to say I hated math. Everybody hates math, right? I actually thought that because I was forced to use my head for once in my life to systematically solve a problem that I hated it. I also thought that since my friends hate math that I should too, right?
Stupid stupid stupid. All stupid reasons.
I finally realized a few weeks ago that even though I struggle a little with math and it does take a minute to process in my head (unlike the well-known human calculators) that I actually really enjoy math. It's a simple language that I understand. It's not something that I want to live my life teaching, but if I had to take a math class for the rest of my life, I'd be okay with it.
The point is, is that it took me a whole seventeen years to figure out that I like math, so how long will it take me to figure out really important stuff?
Sometimes I wish that I was naïve. I wish I didn't have a little voice that always made me second guess something that I think I know. I wish I could be that normal kid who spoke to my parents and didn't wonder if either of them know what they're doing (a thought that goes entirely against every child-like instinct that I have, but hey, I can't help it).
But when I'm done being whiney, I step back and actually look at my life and see that I am so darn blessed to have such a mind. I'm glad that I don't just look at something and think oh yeah my teacher said it so it has to be true. Because at the end of the day, I know the things I know with such a passion that even I have trouble comprehending it. So maybe next time you're learning something new you can look at all of the sides and have a tiny bit of skepticism. That way you'll know for sure that what you know is what you know, not just something that you blindly trust.
Anyways thanks for reading!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
What is this Post.
So I've been trying and trying to write a post but I can't seem to do it. Writer's block, they call it. Not to mention I've been extremely busy. But I'm gonna try and write something.
How ridiculous I am for writing about this.
Mainly I want to focus on stereotypes in general, which are things I try to stay away from.
For example, just when people think I am sticking to the no-makeup look, I tend to throw on some mascara.
Wear mom jeans one day, floral print the next
Dress as prep as possible for a whole week, wear band shirts and my dad's huge jacket the next.
Grow my hair out, chop it all off.
I like to make sure people can't pin me down to one thing.
Obviously people have already pinned me to my glasses, and when I wear contacts everyone thinks I'm a foreign exchange student or something.
Who's that chick with the plain hair and the clothes? She looks kinda like Megan, but she can't be. She's not wearing huge glasses.
Here's something to think about,
my glasses actually come off.
Holy freak, and you thought they were permanently connected to my head!
The main reason I wear them, and this might shock you, IS BECAUSE I NEED TO SEE.
I can't see without them, and contacts give me absurd headaches.
Enough about that.
You should know by now that I like to live how I think the rest of the world should live.
I wish everyone would stop giving in to stereotypes.
Just because you have a certain interest doesn't mean you have to leave everyone else out of your group.
I try and befriend everyone who I think is worth being friends with.
If I think you are cool, won't potentially turn around and stab me in the back, and genuinely fun to be with, I will try to be friends with you.
It's as simple as that.
Anyways, that's all I can think of right now, hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading you gorgeous pineapple.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Hola, Señor Year
It's been a while! Okay, like two weeks. But I've had a lack of inspiration because I'm busy with work and stuff. I thought I'd jump on the band waggon and talk about the upcoming school year! Woohoooo.
Here we go.
Here we go.
So school starts on Tuesday and it's pretty exciting because I'm gonna be a Senior!
My dad makes jokes about how he thought he was going to be a senior before his daughter.
Ha. Ha.
It's really weird for me because I'm suddenly growing up super fast and it freaks me out.
I keep getting letters from universities, I just got a job (and my first paycheck today), I just opened a bank account like two weeks ago.
And pretty soon I'll be graduating!
What the heck is this?
I swear to you it was yesterday that I came into fifth grade at Cherry Hill and met half of the people that I'm graduating with.
My family is asking if I'm nervous for the first day.
I've been going to public school for Twelve years now. I'm not nervous for another first day.
What I'm nervous for is the end of my twelve years of public school.
But I'm also super excited! I cant wait to get out of high school.
Here are some of my high school pet peeves:
- When people stare at you because you're wearing sweats and no makeup. Sorry I don't feel like getting ready. Last time I checked I was here to get an education, not give a crap about what you think of me.
- When teachers treat specific kids better than others. You're here to teach us.
- When we have debates and people practically get in fist fights over the topic. I really respect that you have a passionate opinion but you're not the only one with an opinion here. Other people are allowed to think differently than you. Not to mention this is a classroom.
- When people whine about how they don't want to be here and school sucks and blah blah. You're lucky to even have the chance to make something out of yourself and instead you skip class to go chat with your pals? Sure that's fun now, but where does that get you in ten years? I work my freaking butt off for my A- average because I know how many people would love to come to school in my place. While school is great for socializing, it's sole purpose is for you to learn so you will get somewhere in life. Respect the time teachers put into lessons, the effort administrators put into keeping the school safe and even the work janitors put into cleaning up after you.
But I am excited to get this year started! I know it's going to be one of my hardest years but it will also be the most fun and hopefully most memorable!
Here's to a crazy psycho year full of memories, late night studying, preparing for college, new sophomores *sarcastic shout of excitement*, retaking the ACT and then retaking it again, and all of that other stuff!
See you all soon:)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Play On, it is the Food of Love.
Hello! Well today I just kind of want to talk about music. Lots of words will be linked to different songs in this one, so if you move your mouse over a word and it turns red, CLICK IT!
I have absolutely no musical talent and I don't play any instruments.
Regardless, music is a HUGE part of my life.
I don't think I have ever met someone who doesn't like music.
Everyone has a genre that they prefer over another, but no one hates music all together.
Sometimes the major reason I post on here is because I have a gorgeous song that I want to show you guys in the "Song of the Day" link that I always have.
Music in it's element has been around since the beginning of the human race.
I survive on music.
I do not go anywhere without it.
That being said, I have a very emotional connection with all of the music I listen to.
I have music that I listen to when I am angry,
in need of a cool down,
in need of inspiration,
and much much more.
I keep a journal that is addressed specifically to my future children, and at the end of every entry I put a song because based on the music now, the music in twenty years will be the sound of static mixed with horses running with the word "swag" every ten seconds.
I have a special hatred for today's radio.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for pop music.
It's just this cookie cutter pop.
Simple beats, auto tune, low bass.
Literally anyone can make that kind of music.
Not to mention the lyrics.
There is absolutely no thought put into these words, no emotion.
Every song that they play on the radio is about sex, drugs, alcohol or has some cute little message for thirteen year old girls.
Half of the people they play on the radio don't even write their own music.
Except Ke$ha. And that really worries me more than most things.
Sure, I suppose they are good to dance to, but that's about it.
Don't even get me started on rap.
I'm not even bashing the rap genre itself, because I am a fan.
But it's like now there is hardly a line between pop and rap anymore.
And these rappers use common sayings like: Swag, Get Money, etc.
If you have swag, why do you need to tell the world in every song about it?
And profanities are just thrown in left and right, making them completely lose any sort of meaning and allowing the kids who listen to their music to use them in every day speech.
Since when does using the F-word every two seconds shows "swag" and since when does "swag" get you anywhere in life?
Remember when rap had meaning?
The only reason the music on the radio is so popular is because:
1. It's catchy and easy to sing along to.
2. Everyone listens to it and people have forgotten what real music is.
3. It's simple music for the poorly emotionally developed and high. (aka almost every 13 year old in America)
I take deep pride and love in my taste in music.
I hope this inspires more to think about the music they listen to and contemplate whether or not it is really worth listening to.
Thanks for reading! Did you find all of the links? There are eight songs all together. I hope you enjoy at least one of them! I tried to fit several genres in there. No song of the day today because there are so many good ones above!
I love you.
*Disclaimer: I realize that the Shakespeare quote is not correct in the title. This is because I have put my own spin on it. It is only based on the quote itself. I do that. Get over it.*
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Self Esteem is for Losers
Hello! How are you? Oh, how fabulous. Unless you said you feel like you just got peed on by an elephant. In that case, I'm so sorry. That stinks. Literally.
Alright enough of my lame humor.
So if you know me, you know that I'm not really like super popular.
I don't wear expensive clothes,
I don't wear makeup,
Everyone thinks I'm a poser because of my glasses (until they find out they're real)
I only have a few really close friends.
I don't look or act like any of the super gorgeous popular girls at my school.
I am completely aware of this fact.
And guess what?
I'm perfectly fine with it.
When I was younger all I wanted was for guys to notice me and have tons of friends and all that good stuff.
And that's all fine and good but that just didn't happen with me.
People have made fun of me for tons of crap and it used to really hit me really hard.
But I just don't see the point anymore.
I don't see how it's worth it to spend all of my time complaining about how I look.
I can't change the way I am.
I mean sure, I exercise to stay healthy and I try to eat healthy enough, but whats wrong with a treat now and then?
And I guess I could cover up acne and make my eyelashes longer with makeup but I just don't care.
I'd rather have ten more minutes to sleep in the morning than spend it covering myself with product.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's bad to want to look nice. And I'm not saying daily hygiene isn't important.
I'm just saying that people shouldn't care so much.
Some days I really do enjoy putting on a pretty skirt and cute shoes.
But I'm also wonderfully happy in my "Big Boy on Campus" T-shirt and cut off jeans.
And don't say "Aww Megan you're so pretty and I think you're popular" and nice things like that.
I think I'm pretty too. I just don't think I fit that gorgeous barbie look.
And I agree, I am popular with my little group of friends, and they are all popular to me.
I'm saying that I'm not friends with all the people in school that everyone knows.
Which is cool with me.
I'm just trying to be real.
I know who I am.
I know where I fit.
I'm a super awkward 16 year old who loves scifi and cheesy Disney movies and the 80's.
I'd rather hang out at home listening to pandora, doodling and watching Merlin than go to a party and socialize.
I'd rather go to a public bathroom alone than have a ton of my friends looking in the mirror and waiting for me.
I'd rather play video games than go hiking.
Be Your Own, that's my motto.
Anyways! Thanks for reading! I love you.
CLICK ME>>> Song of the Day <<<CLICK ME
Monday, July 2, 2012
Hit the Hard Subjects First, Win Them Over Later
Hi. It's like, eleven thirty at night. Which is early, I guess. But late for me to write a post. So let's hope I finish before my beddy bye time. I don't know why but I'm starving. Sorry, off topic! I have something to say to you today, my dear little readers! One of my normal rants. So heeerrree wee gooo.
Media these days is a huge influence in almost everyone's lives.
Even those mountain men on that show, because THEY ARE ON THE TV. Hello. Even though I respect those guys and kind of really want to become them. And have a righteous beard and kill my own food and such.
Anyways. Last year I took this digital media class. I loved it, not only because I absolutely worshipped my teacher because he loves eighties movies and indie music and Star Wars and whenever he mentioned the Breakfast Club I had one of my little freak out seizures. In a nutshell, he was fantastic.
He has one of those personalites who just lays it out straight. He is very blunt. And I learned most of what I'll be talking about in his class.
He once said that the people who control the media are more powerful than the president.
Think about it. Like honestly what do we do everyday?
If you're like me you spend most of your day on the internet and listening to music and watching TV.
(Let's not judge my personal habits. I spend to much time being sedentary. I'm working on it.)
And even if you don't spend all day with your mulitiple television shows and obsessing over instagram, most people watch the news and shop in stores and whatever.
I don't think we realize how much influence media has on us.
Do you know how they view us?
They see us as, to quote one of my favorite spongebob episodes, "Class A suckeroonies."
We are puddy in their hands and they know it.
And they can make absolutely ANYTHING cool or appealing.
For example, take the Justin Bieber movie. Watch it once, you love him. For some. Some people just plain out loathe him, which I can understand.
And I'm not hating on the Biebs. I love that kid.
But I also loved him before the movie itself (and I promise I'm not saying like "OMG, I'm better than allllll of you 'cause I knew Justin before the movvviiieeee." No. That's annoying. I'm simply making a point).
But I know tons of people who didn't like him much and then loved him when they saw the movie.
Because the people who made the movie know how to appeal to the audience. In this case, teenage and five year old girls.
The media makes drinking look glamorous and obviously only beautiful people drink alcohol, according to every commercial I've ever seen.
And that's another reason I think people give in so easily to media, because you only see beautiful people.
That girl is wearing those clothes and she is pretty, so I must shop at that store and I will look like her.
We convince ourselves that we will look a certain way if we do whatever the media tells us.
And then there are these models who make every single girl ever feel fat.
Modeling isn't so glamorous, though. Most of those women smoke like psychos and eat pills to keep their weight like that.
Thanks, but that's not how I want to live my life.
I like food. And my lungs.
And most of that unreal beauty comes from caked on makeup and an overload of photoshop.
Most of us know that there is so much insane photoshop and makeup, but when we are looking through the magazines we seem to somehow completely forget that fact.
I really resent the media.
It bugs me because it is such a huge portion of my life and I often become a victim.
But I know better. And that is what bugs me. I need there to be a day that the media tells the entire truth.
One day, I tell you. I will lead my little crazy ranting hippie revolution and get JUSTICE.
I honestly could say so much more and it seems I can never get ou all that I can say in one post. I hope you guys don't get too mad at these, but I just have so much fun writing my little angry "Fight the Man" speeches. Anyways. I'm done. Thanks so much for reading my crazy scatterbrained thoughts. I love you.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Inspiration is Everywhere
Well, hello! Today I got really bored and I went around my yard and took some pictures. And then I edited them. So, here they are!
So. That's the best I could produce from some boredom. Let me know what you think! I apprectiate constructive criticism! Thank you!
PS. So sorry, some of these are a little blurry because of the lighting and it is just a digital camera (in other words, it sucks).
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I was playing with some different overlays and I really like how it came out. |
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I love these roses because even though they are dying a little, I think it makes them that much more beautiful. I love how the white, pink and brown go together so perfectly. |
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So I took those roses and played with the contrast and brightness and this came to pass. I love it. It's one of my favorite edits, and I did hardly anything to it. |
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An image over an image. I like my lamp post. |
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Crackpot, you are special. So I photograph you. |
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Wired. |
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I love these guys. I have a couple different edits of them. |
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Ahhhh there were so many of these I could have done twenty. But I really like this one. |
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Silhouette |
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Have a sit! |
PS. So sorry, some of these are a little blurry because of the lighting and it is just a digital camera (in other words, it sucks).
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Hi, I Like To Rant
It's finally Summer and time to post another rant! Hooray my favorite thing! You should know that I usually write these things in my notes on my iPod and then edit these later on here. Cause I forget them if I don't write them down when they're in my head! But then I spend like an hour angrily ranting on my iPod and my parents worry. Oh well. Anyways. Here we go.
What is the World's obsession with being fake?
If I want to eat, I'm going to eat.
And I'm not going to hate or starve myself if I gain a couple pounds.
Who freaking cares, honestly?
I mean, what is so attractive about rib bones and elbows, anyway?
Not that skinny is ugly. All sizes are pretty. Except for, like, starved animal, smoker skinny.
I'm talking skin and bone.
I like my body, so screw the media and the magazines and the model agencies because I think I am beautiful.
I'm not going to plaster my face in makeup, either.
Not that makeup is bad.
It's just that natural beauty is so much more pure.
And EVERYONE is naturally beautiful.
God does not make ugly.
It is impossible.
People make ugly personalities, but that is a different story.
FAKE is not only found in outward appearances.
Hypocrisy is one of the the most ugly traits.
It horrifies me how many people act so religious and goody-goody,
but don't cease to happily love man more than the Deity they worship.
Honestly, I would rather hang out with someone who is real with me and openly sins
than someone who is smoking weed and breaking the law of chastity one day and planning a mission the other.
Really I would.
It saddens me how adults (like leaders) think that our generation is so prime when we are really just good liars.
Doesn't that bug anyone else?
Because it disgusts me.
I cannot even describe how horribly disgusting it is.
And this peer pressure crap?
Sure, it can be hard to resist, but you know who is dishing it out, right?
YOU. ME. PEERpressure. Get it? You are someones peer and so am I.
If anyone can stop it, it's us.
Real friends? Real friends don't judge you because you choose something different.
I often see that non-religious people are less judgemental.
Not that that makes the gospel any less true.
Or the people horrible.
But think about it.
Gay people don't try to stop marriage between man and woman.
Not that I believe in gay marriage.
People who have tattoos don't hate other who don't have tattoos.
Not that I believe in tattoos.
I want people to accept my religion but I don't think it's very Christ-like to shun someone because of some ink.
Don't get me wrong.
Most of the religious people that I know are amazing people.
But isn't it bigotry to preach forgiveness of all men and to love everyone and to leave the judging to God,
and then judge others?
Okay, I promise I'm done now. :) I LOVE YOU. You are perfect exactly as you.
Thanks for reading!
click thiiissss>SONG OF THE SUMMER< click thiiissss
Really I would.
It saddens me how adults (like leaders) think that our generation is so prime when we are really just good liars.
Doesn't that bug anyone else?
Because it disgusts me.
I cannot even describe how horribly disgusting it is.
And this peer pressure crap?
Sure, it can be hard to resist, but you know who is dishing it out, right?
YOU. ME. PEERpressure. Get it? You are someones peer and so am I.
If anyone can stop it, it's us.
Real friends? Real friends don't judge you because you choose something different.
I often see that non-religious people are less judgemental.
Not that that makes the gospel any less true.
Or the people horrible.
But think about it.
Gay people don't try to stop marriage between man and woman.
Not that I believe in gay marriage.
People who have tattoos don't hate other who don't have tattoos.
Not that I believe in tattoos.
I want people to accept my religion but I don't think it's very Christ-like to shun someone because of some ink.
Don't get me wrong.
Most of the religious people that I know are amazing people.
But isn't it bigotry to preach forgiveness of all men and to love everyone and to leave the judging to God,
and then judge others?
Okay, I promise I'm done now. :) I LOVE YOU. You are perfect exactly as you.
Thanks for reading!
click thiiissss>SONG OF THE SUMMER< click thiiissss
*DISCLAIMER* I realize I have written about VERY touchy topics. I do not mean to hurt any feelings or lash out. These thoughts are NOT pointed at anyone in particular. These are my opinions. You are allowed to have yours, so please do not hate on me for mine. I am simply in a ranting mood. And I still love everyone, hypocrisy and all. :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Hey, everybody! Thanks for showing up! :)
Here are a few of my sketches that are even remotely worth while.
Now if you are educated in art, you know how amature these are. Although I do think I show some promise. Let me know what you think! I appreciate any kind of feed back. Keep scrolling for more art and other posts!
The contrast in these pictures has been enhanced so that you can see them better.
Also my scanner kind of sucks. So, sorry about that.
These are just some nice little buildings that I did. Mostly a doodle, but I like them. They are inspired by the song Montezuma by Fleet Foxes
Very first self portrait. It isn't perfect, but I like it.

Hello, darlings! Here are some of my sculptures. I made them all in my ceramics class. They are my very first real works, so don't judge any imperfections. They are the best I could do, and I am pretty proud of them. They all have a lot of effort and work put into them, and I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for reading and coming to see:)
This is a coil pot. If you look really closely, you can see what used to be coils. The glazed I used is Chinese crackle with candy apple stripes.
This is a non-objective sculpture. The "leaves" are based off of the top of a tomato. The teardrop has carvings on it based from the texture on wood. I made the teardrop by sculpting it around a ball of newspaper, cutting it in half, carving out excess clay, and then score-and-slipping it back together. The "leaves" are slab. The glaze used is tropical green and another form of purple.
This is my most meaningful and favorite piece. This is a house made from slab. The bars are coil. This house in some ways symbolizes how I feel at home, and in Utah in general. Trapped. See how the walls break away from the bars, where behind a seemingly normal and happy looking home, there is a prison. The glazes used are a form of red, black, blue and some Chinese crackle.
I love you:)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Life Update
I know, I know. I'm long overdue for a new post.
Just a quick update.
I've been suuuper busy with school.
I took the freakin ACT.
Kill me now.
This past weekend I went on a nice little overnighter with my Laurels.
I love 'em.
We went up to one of the leader's cabin, and it was adorable!
There was an organ there that was brought across the plains.
Apparently her husband's grandfather was the conductor for MoTab.
Bomb Diggity.
We had a scripture marathon, where we were supposed to try and finish Alma by ourselves.
We started in Helaman, and had three chapters left by one in the morning.
Everyone was falling asleep.
We got about halfway through 3 Nephi in the morning,
It was amazing, reading about Christ coming to the Americas.
His teachings are so precious.
And then we skipped to the last chapter of Moroni.
So good.
After that, on the way home, we watched Pride and Prejudice the Pink Bible version.
I am in love with it!
We stopped at Dairy Keen in Heber for lunch, and we saw President Uchtdorf there.
Pretty much we were all freaking out.
I feel like I am being so amature right now.
I wish I could write like a beast every post, but I just wanted to talk about my own life for a couple of secundos.
Is that even a word?
So, I'm on a huge 80's kick right now.
I have always loved them, but lately...
The fashion, the music, the movies, everything.
I freaking love AC/DC.
And David Bowie.
And Pat Benatar.
And John Hughes.
I could go on forever, but don't worry, I won't.
Ahh. alright, I'll stop now.
Thank for reading,
I love you! :)
Friday, February 17, 2012
Scatter-brained, Lovely, Empathy.
The Internet should be a place of escape, am I right?
We come here to leave the real world, express our mind, listen to our favorite music, watch our favorite people be hilarious.
Sometimes it can be a black hole of lies and deception and hurt and temptation.
Hopefully most of us stay away from those kinds of sites, though.
I think we have all heard the term "cyber bully" before.
Not a happy term to be associated with.
Do you know why the Internet brings out such an ugly side in people?
Because they can put whatever they want online.
You can block them and you can delete the comments, but people still see it and some even believe it.
And we can say we don't care what people think, but when someone says something nasty about you and the entire school sees, it's going to hurt at least a little.
I know from straight up experience that even when it is just a tiny text message, it can drive you to do things you never thought you would ever be capable of.
Horrible things.
Being called fat and ugly doesn't ever feel good.
I don't care who you are.
When you feel like you have no one to turn to, no friends, no family.
Even if you do have these resources, sometimes you feel as if you couldn't trust anyone to understand what you are going through.
If you are going through this, I just want you to know, I share a similar connection with it.
I'm not going to tell you i know what you are going through.
Because our circumstances our different, and we are completely different people.
But I will always be willing to listen if you want to talk.
Cyber bullies are cowards.
They hide behind a computer screen and treat people like dirt just to get a couple of laughs.
At least real bullies can look you in the eye and step on you.
They are still cowards, and what they do is still wrong.
But still.
Those who destroy you through computer are so tiny that they feel powerful when they treat people like some sort of untouchable.
Through a computer.
It is a machine.
Grow a pair, people.
When did the world become so corrupt?
People used to be so real.
Why do people think it's so strange that I wish I was born in the late fifties?
At least people weren't all tied up in themselves and lived real lives.
Every decade has it's issues, I suppose.
I just wish I could fix the entire world.
I would make it so that fashion was an art, not a competition.
I would make it so that people lived in music, not around it.
If only everyone were a song.
If we were all created from the sound of beautiful music, the world would be perfect.
That is my heaven.
Where every single living thing is made from a song.
Anyways, thanks for reading my scattered thoughts.
I love you.
Song of the day:
Monday, February 6, 2012
Imperfections Abound
Something I think we should all strive for is the ability to say, "I love everyone."
Now, when I was a little crouton, or I suppose you could say, "A small carb in a big carb world", I would say that.
I would tell my little brother that I love everyone and so should he.
He would reply, rather adorably, "Even Hitler?" and I would say,
"Yep, even Hitler."
That is a beautiful thing.
The ability to love so unconditionally.
Even when the person you should love killed thousand and thousands of people.
I feel as if this is a concept that is more openly accepted among the naive at heart.
The world struggles these days with love.
It is a word that we hear often from our parents, our close friends.
We hear it in movies.
What does it mean?
Upon searching the word in a dictionary, I found that love has many meanings.
It may possibly be too general.
Here's one that is more specific:
According to the dictionary:
A fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own.
In other words,
Letting someone be who they are.
We don't even have to like what they are doing.
We don't even have to accept them.
I suppose that what I am getting at is that we don't tolerate each other enough.
Or at all, sometimes.
We see it often in our community when it comes to different sexual orientations.
We may not agree with or understand the fact that a man is more capable of loving another man more than a woman.
But why,
should it matter?
Everyone has their imperfection.
I am imperfect.
My imperfection is probably that I am just too good looking.
Just kidding.
The point is,
If someone is a good person,
If someone is nice and funny and happy,
than who are we to say that they are wrong?
Even if we think they are,
Why can't we just let them be themselves?
And usually we struggle accepting someone because of much less.
We don't think they are pretty enough.
We think they are too pretty.
They speak out of turn.
They think differently than we do.
They have a different opinion on something than we do.
They live a different religion.
They dress differently.
Can't we just focus on what is on the inside?
Yeah, yeah. The cheese factory just exploded.
But seriously.
Before we can say, "I love everyone."
We can try to say, "I accept you for who you are. And I am willing to learn to love you."
Thank you so much for reading.
Pure Beauty:
Friday, February 3, 2012
Relationships, High School, Angst.
Well, hello there, beautiful! Hooray for another fabulous day! Well, I'm back again for another talk with you. About something I really hate.
They freaking suck.
Oh, and high school, too.
And when you mix 'em together, what do you get?
Teenage Angst.
Everybody needs a little bit of teen angst in their house, right? WRONG. No one needs that!
You know what is really the worst, though?
Here's why.
Here's why.
Say you have a best friend. You would do anything, ANYTHING for her. You love her. You do everything with her, and when you aren't together you text her constantly. You share memories of asking boys to Sadies, watching Hot Rod and laughing your butts off, nicknaming the boys you like, and that one time you were whipping your hair to 'Whip My Hair' by Willow Smith and you got whiplash and couldn't lift your head for three days.
This is all hypothetical.
Anyways. What happens when she meets a boy, and they click, and start going on steady dates? What happens to you?
Well, if she is a real best friend, she'll spend equal time with you and him. She'll set you up on dates with his hot friends. And if things go well, you'll become really good friends with this guy.
But, if she isn't a good best friend, she'll forget you completely. She'll still talk to you and she'll still hang out with you, but you will become the constant third wheel. And your friendship will die.
I've had it both ways. The latter was more recent. I don't like losing friends, but I guess it happens. I still care for my friend that I lost. But in life you kind of have to realize who really cares about you and who is willing to throw you away.
If you're reading this, I suppose I just wasn't worth your time. And I'm sorry, but I was done trying to keep something together that you obviously you didn't see as worth fighting for. I was done crying over you, and trying to start conversations in which I was the only one actually talking. I had become invisible to you, and I really don't need another person who doesn't see me. I don't really know how it was possible to go from being best friends one day to not talking to each other whatsoever the next. But, it kind of woke me up to the fact that maybe we were never really such good friends after all. Thank you for all of the good times. I'll probably still celebrate the anniversary of the day that I met you. It seems like it's been a decade since eighth grade Drama class. Thank you for letting me know who my real friends are. I wish you the best.
If you're reading this, I suppose I just wasn't worth your time. And I'm sorry, but I was done trying to keep something together that you obviously you didn't see as worth fighting for. I was done crying over you, and trying to start conversations in which I was the only one actually talking. I had become invisible to you, and I really don't need another person who doesn't see me. I don't really know how it was possible to go from being best friends one day to not talking to each other whatsoever the next. But, it kind of woke me up to the fact that maybe we were never really such good friends after all. Thank you for all of the good times. I'll probably still celebrate the anniversary of the day that I met you. It seems like it's been a decade since eighth grade Drama class. Thank you for letting me know who my real friends are. I wish you the best.
It is such a crappy feeling, losing someone so close to you.
But we have to move on. What is the point of a friendship where only one person is trying? Forgive and forget, right? Let them be happy with their little fling, because it is so important to them.
And go back to whipping your hair. But be careful, because you really can get whiplash.
Cherish these high school years. Spend them with your real friends, and don't pay any attention to the love birds. Because they aren't going to stop and look up and see reality any time soon, anyways.
Don't waste high school on serious relationships with boys. They won't even be worth it until they get back from their missions.
Cherish these high school years. Spend them with your real friends, and don't pay any attention to the love birds. Because they aren't going to stop and look up and see reality any time soon, anyways.
Don't waste high school on serious relationships with boys. They won't even be worth it until they get back from their missions.
After that, waste as much time on them as you want. :)
Whew. Glad I got that off of my shoulders. Thanks for reading!
I love you.
Here's a song for you to enjoy! :)
I love this.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thinking of the Future
So, today I am really just freaking out!
There is so much I have to do!
Sign up for classes on Wednesday.
Get my freaking roading done. (Haha, good luck on that one. I suck juice box at driving.)
Okay, now that I write it out, it doesn't seem like much..
But it feels like it! I'm stressing out like nobodies business!
And I am feeling overwhelmed with the fact that I am nearly a senior. Soon I'll be graduating and going to college... It's all just so crazy.
All of my senior friends are going to be leaving and heading for college.
Man, I'm gonna miss everyone.
We aren't kids anymore, guys!
I don't want to grow up yet. I want to stay a kid forever!
But on the other hand, I'm kind of excited to grow up.
We finally get to move out.
Go to school and get a degree in what we want to do for the rest of our lives.
Our emotions and hormones finally become somewhat stable.
Start up on the marriage market.. :)
I don't even want to think about it yet, though. It's all coming so fast!
The years seemed to go by like days.
I feel like I'm still that chubby little seventh grader nobody who saw everyone but was seen by no one.
If I had known the things I know now back in those days.. The different decisions I would have made.
Let's live up these days, guys.
No regrets.
Let's just be crazy.
'Cause, oh boy, it's going by fast.
Thanks for reading! I love you.
There is so much I have to do!
Sign up for classes on Wednesday.
Get my freaking roading done. (Haha, good luck on that one. I suck juice box at driving.)
Okay, now that I write it out, it doesn't seem like much..
But it feels like it! I'm stressing out like nobodies business!
And I am feeling overwhelmed with the fact that I am nearly a senior. Soon I'll be graduating and going to college... It's all just so crazy.
All of my senior friends are going to be leaving and heading for college.
Man, I'm gonna miss everyone.
We aren't kids anymore, guys!
I don't want to grow up yet. I want to stay a kid forever!
But on the other hand, I'm kind of excited to grow up.
We finally get to move out.
Go to school and get a degree in what we want to do for the rest of our lives.
Our emotions and hormones finally become somewhat stable.
Start up on the marriage market.. :)
I don't even want to think about it yet, though. It's all coming so fast!
The years seemed to go by like days.
I feel like I'm still that chubby little seventh grader nobody who saw everyone but was seen by no one.
If I had known the things I know now back in those days.. The different decisions I would have made.
Let's live up these days, guys.
No regrets.
Let's just be crazy.
'Cause, oh boy, it's going by fast.
Thanks for reading! I love you.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Tips for When You're Feeling Down:)
I have been recently enlightened. I'm just pulling out of a really rough spot in my life. Turning sixteen didn't go well with me last year. I lost my way, and I have just found my way back. So, if you are as low as I was, here are some tips just for you, that have really gotten the job done for me.
I could probably go on forever, but I'll stop here to save you time! What really helped me the most was talking to someone about it. Talk to your parents, a close friend, or a counselor if you feel comfortable doing that. Don't ever consider hurting yourself, because that is never the answer, and it doesn't even work. It really makes you feel worse about yourself. Thanks so much for listening, or rather, reading what i have to say:)
- Take up a hobby. Journaling, drawing, photography, dancing, whatever. Find your shtick and hold to it.
- Yoga! I also include meditating in this category, because yoga simply is meditation that requires more skill and coordination. Focusing on balance and breathing helps you forget all of your problems, and you grow stronger in your core and in your mind.
- Excersize. A lot. It gets out anger and stress, and you burn calories!
- Get in touch with God. If you don't worship a form of deity, you can skip this, obviously. But this is a huge one for me, because it is helpful in finding who you are and remembering that there are much bigger things out there to worry about.
- Let go of things that you cannot control. You can control your temper, you can't control whether or not people talk about you behind your back. You can control your grades, you can't control your sibling's temper. Just focus on the things that you know you have firm grip on.
- Don't let little things bring you down. Focus on school work. Think about your future, where you want to be in five to ten years and act upon that, because that is really what is most important.
- Remember all of the things and people that you have in your life, and be grateful for them.
I could probably go on forever, but I'll stop here to save you time! What really helped me the most was talking to someone about it. Talk to your parents, a close friend, or a counselor if you feel comfortable doing that. Don't ever consider hurting yourself, because that is never the answer, and it doesn't even work. It really makes you feel worse about yourself. Thanks so much for listening, or rather, reading what i have to say:)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
First Time Blogger
So, I got myself a blog! Even after having three journals, a Tumblr I never use, and a Facebook; I still don't feel satisfied with getting my thoughts out there. Let's just hope I actually use it. It will help keep me motivated if you follow, comment and share! I would majorly appreciate it. This blog will just be my thoughts on stuff, maybe some photography, and whatever else I have to share! So let's party together, and make the best of the rest of my high school career! I love you guys, and hope you will appreciate the stuff I have to put out there.
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