Monday, November 19, 2012

This is my Brain.

Reason #1 that I shouldn't be a graphic designer: My blog layout. Sorry guys I've been trying to fix it so that it is more cute and hipster but what'll you do.

Uhh okay there are a lot of things that I want to talk about and I'm not sure how to start so as always I'm going to dive right into it while also having no idea what I'm doing.

Lately I've had a lot of much needed alone time to just sit and think about my life and everything that's going on.

I have kind of been second guessing myself on a bunch of things and I noticed I do that too much. I'm not sure how to put it into a way that I could make you understand unless this is how you think.
But essentially the way my brain works is I'll learn something and I'll be conscious of the fact that I know it is true, but in the back of my mind there is a tiny voice that constantly says, "Do I really know that, though? Have I pondered that enough to know for a fact it is true? Have I looked at every single possible side? Have I studied it and come to a conclusion that it is legitimate enough to call a knowledge?" For example, I used to say I hated math. Everybody hates math, right? I actually thought that because I was forced to use my head for once in my life to systematically solve a problem that I hated it. I also thought that since my friends hate math that I should too, right?
Stupid stupid stupid. All stupid reasons.
I finally realized a few weeks ago that even though I struggle a little with math and it does take a minute to process in my head (unlike the well-known human calculators) that I actually really enjoy math. It's a simple language that I understand. It's not something that I want to live my life teaching, but if I had to take a math class for the rest of my life, I'd be okay with it.
The point is, is that it took me a whole seventeen years to figure out that I like math, so how long will it take me to figure out really important stuff?
Sometimes I wish that I was naïve. I wish I didn't have a little voice that always made me second guess something that I think I know. I wish I could be that normal kid who spoke to my parents and didn't wonder if either of them know what they're doing (a thought that goes entirely against every child-like instinct that I have, but hey, I can't help it).
But when I'm done being whiney, I step back and actually look at my life and see that I am so darn blessed to have such a mind. I'm glad that I don't just look at something and think oh yeah my teacher said it so it has to be true. Because at the end of the day, I know the things I know with such a passion that even I have trouble comprehending it. So maybe next time you're learning something new you can look at all of the sides and have a tiny bit of skepticism. That way you'll know for sure that what you know is what you know, not just something that you blindly trust.

Anyways thanks for reading!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What is this Post.

So I've been trying and trying to write a post but I can't seem to do it. Writer's block, they call it. Not to mention I've been extremely busy. But I'm gonna try and write something.

How ridiculous I am for writing about this.
Mainly I want to focus on stereotypes in general, which are things I try to stay away from.
For example, just when people think I am sticking to the no-makeup look, I tend to throw on some mascara.
Wear mom jeans one day, floral print the next
Dress as prep as possible for a whole week, wear band shirts and my dad's huge jacket the next.
Grow my hair out, chop it all off.
I like to make sure people can't pin me down to one thing.
Obviously people have already pinned me to my glasses, and when I wear contacts everyone thinks I'm a foreign exchange student or something.
Who's that chick with the plain hair and the clothes? She looks kinda like Megan, but she can't be. She's not wearing huge glasses.
Here's something to think about, 
my glasses actually come off.
Holy freak, and you thought they were permanently connected to my head!
The main reason I wear them, and this might shock you, IS BECAUSE I NEED TO SEE.
I can't see without them, and contacts give me absurd headaches.
Enough about that.
You should know by now that I like to live how I think the rest of the world should live.
I wish everyone would stop giving in to stereotypes.
Just because you have a certain interest doesn't mean you have to leave everyone else out of your group.
I try and befriend everyone who I think is worth being friends with.
If I think you are cool, won't potentially turn around and stab me in the back, and genuinely fun to be with, I will try to be friends with you.
It's as simple as that.
Anyways, that's all I can think of right now, hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading you gorgeous pineapple.