Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hola, Señor Year

It's been a while! Okay, like two weeks. But I've had a lack of inspiration because I'm busy with work and stuff. I thought I'd jump on the band waggon and talk about the upcoming school year! Woohoooo.
Here we go.
So school starts on Tuesday and it's pretty exciting because I'm gonna be a Senior!
My dad makes jokes about how he thought he was going to be a senior before his daughter.
Ha. Ha. 
It's really weird for me because I'm suddenly growing up super fast and it freaks me out.
I keep getting letters from universities, I just got a job (and my first paycheck today), I just opened a bank account like two weeks ago.
And pretty soon I'll be graduating!
What the heck is this?
I swear to you it was yesterday that  I came into fifth grade at Cherry Hill and met half of the people that I'm graduating with.
My family is asking if I'm nervous for the first day.
I've been going to public school for Twelve years now. I'm not nervous for another first day.
What I'm nervous for is the end of my twelve years of public school.
But I'm also super excited! I cant wait to get out of high school.
Here are some of my high school pet peeves:
  • When people stare at you because you're wearing sweats and no makeup. Sorry I don't feel like getting ready. Last time I checked I was here to get an education, not give a crap about what you think of me.
  • When teachers treat specific kids better than others. You're here to teach us. 
  • When we have debates and people practically get in fist fights over the topic. I really respect that you have a passionate opinion but you're not the only one with an opinion here. Other people are allowed to think differently than you. Not to mention this is a classroom.
  • When people whine about how they don't want to be here and school sucks and blah blah. You're lucky to even have the chance to make something out of yourself and instead you skip class to go chat with your pals? Sure that's fun now, but where does that get you in ten years? I work my freaking butt off for my A- average because I know how many people would love to come to school in my place. While school is great for socializing, it's sole purpose is for you to learn so you will get somewhere in life. Respect the time teachers put into lessons, the effort administrators put into keeping the school safe and even the work janitors put into cleaning up after you.
Eh I could probably keep going with that but whatever. I just cant wait to escape all the populars and bullies and drama and all that good stuff.

But I am excited to get this year started! I know it's going to be one of my hardest years but it will also be the most fun and hopefully most memorable!
Here's to a crazy psycho year full of memories, late night studying, preparing for college, new sophomores *sarcastic shout of excitement*, retaking the ACT and then retaking it again, and all of that other stuff!
See you all soon:)

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