Saturday, June 16, 2012

Inspiration is Everywhere

Well, hello! Today I got really bored and I went around my yard and took some pictures. And then I edited them. So, here they are!

I was playing with some different overlays and I really like how it came out.
These are some new lilies growing in our front yard and I'm obsessed with the yellow. OBSESSED.
I love these roses because even though they are dying a little, I think it makes them that much more beautiful. I love how the white, pink and brown go together so perfectly.
So I took those roses and played with the contrast and brightness and this came to pass. I love it. It's one of my favorite edits, and I did hardly anything to it.
An image over an image. I like my lamp post.
Crackpot, you are special. So I photograph you.
I love these guys. I have a couple different edits of them.
Ahhhh there were so many of these I could have done twenty. But I really like this one.
Have a sit!
So. That's the best I could produce from some boredom. Let me know what you think! I apprectiate constructive criticism! Thank you!
PS. So sorry, some of these are a little blurry because of the lighting and it is just a digital camera (in other words, it sucks).

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hi, I Like To Rant

It's finally Summer and time to post another rant! Hooray my favorite thing! You should know that I usually write these things in my notes on my iPod and then edit these later on here. Cause I forget them if I don't write them down when they're in my head! But then I spend like an hour angrily ranting on my iPod and my parents worry. Oh well. Anyways. Here we go.

What is the World's obsession with being fake?
If I want to eat, I'm going to eat.
And I'm not going to hate or starve myself if I gain a couple pounds.
Who freaking cares, honestly?
I mean, what is so attractive about rib bones and elbows, anyway?
Not that skinny is ugly. All sizes are pretty. Except for, like, starved animal, smoker skinny. 
I'm talking skin and bone.
I like my body, so screw the media and the magazines and the model agencies because I think I am beautiful.
I'm not going to plaster my face in makeup, either.
Not that makeup is bad.
It's just that natural beauty is so much more pure. 
And EVERYONE is naturally beautiful.
God does not make ugly. 
It is impossible.
People make ugly personalities, but that is a different story.
FAKE is not only found in outward appearances.
Hypocrisy is one of the the most ugly traits.
It horrifies me how many people act so religious and goody-goody, 
but don't cease to happily love man more than the Deity they worship.
Honestly, I would rather hang out with someone who is real with me and openly sins 
than someone who is smoking weed and breaking the law of chastity one day and planning a mission the other.
Really I would.
It saddens me how adults (like leaders) think that our generation is so prime when we are really just good liars.
Doesn't that bug anyone else?
Because it disgusts me.
I cannot even describe how horribly disgusting it is.
And this peer pressure crap?
Sure, it can be hard to resist, but you know who is dishing it out, right?
YOU. ME. PEERpressure. Get it? You are someones peer and so am I.
If anyone can stop it, it's us.
Real friends? Real friends don't judge you because you choose something different.
I often see that non-religious people are less judgemental.
Not that that makes the gospel any less true.
Or the people horrible.
But think about it.
Gay people don't try to stop marriage between man and woman.
Not that I believe in gay marriage.
People who have tattoos don't hate other who don't have tattoos.
Not that I believe in tattoos.
I want people to accept my religion but I don't think it's very Christ-like to shun someone because of some ink.
Don't get me wrong.
Most of the religious people that I know are amazing people.
But isn't it bigotry to preach forgiveness of all men and to love everyone and to leave the judging to God,
and then judge others?
Okay, I promise I'm done now. :) I LOVE YOU. You are perfect exactly as you.
Thanks for reading!

click thiiissss>SONG OF THE SUMMER< click thiiissss

*DISCLAIMER* I realize I have written about VERY touchy topics. I do not mean to hurt any feelings or lash out. These thoughts are NOT pointed at anyone in particular. These are my opinions. You are allowed to have yours, so please do not hate on me for mine. I am simply in a ranting mood. And I still love everyone, hypocrisy and all. :)