Saturday, July 14, 2012

Self Esteem is for Losers

Hello! How are you? Oh, how fabulous. Unless you said you feel like you just got peed on by an elephant. In that case, I'm so sorry. That stinks. Literally.
Alright enough of my lame humor.

So if you know me, you know that I'm not really like super popular.
I don't wear expensive clothes, 
I don't wear makeup,
Everyone thinks I'm a poser because of my glasses (until they find out they're real)
I only have a few really close friends.
I don't look or act like any of the super gorgeous popular girls at my school.
I am completely aware of this fact.
And guess what? 
I'm perfectly fine with it.
When I was younger all I wanted was for guys to notice me and have tons of friends and all that good stuff.
And that's all fine and good but that just didn't happen with me.
People have made fun of me for tons of crap and it used to really hit me really hard.
But I just don't see the point anymore.
I don't see how it's worth it to spend all of my time complaining about how I look.
I can't change the way I am.
I mean sure, I exercise to stay healthy and I try to eat healthy enough, but whats wrong with a treat now and then?
And I guess I could cover up acne and make my eyelashes longer with makeup but I just don't care.
I'd rather have ten more minutes to sleep in the morning than spend it covering myself with product.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's bad to want to look nice. And I'm not saying daily hygiene isn't important.
I'm just saying that people shouldn't care so much.
Some days I really do enjoy putting on a pretty skirt and cute shoes.
But I'm also wonderfully happy in my "Big Boy on Campus" T-shirt and cut off jeans.
And don't say "Aww Megan you're so pretty and I think you're popular" and nice things like that.
I think I'm pretty too. I just don't think I fit that gorgeous barbie look.
And I agree, I am popular with my little group of friends, and they are all popular to me. 
I'm saying that I'm not friends with all the people in school that everyone knows.
Which is cool with me. 
I'm just trying to be real.
I know who I am.
I know where I fit.
I'm a super awkward 16 year old who loves scifi and cheesy Disney movies and the 80's.
I'd rather hang out at home listening to pandora, doodling and watching Merlin than go to a party and socialize.
I'd rather go to a public bathroom alone than have a ton of my friends looking in the mirror and waiting for me.
I'd rather play video games than go hiking.

Be Your Own, that's my motto.

Anyways! Thanks for reading! I love you.

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  1. I always love reading what you have to say. Thanks :)

    1. No thank you! It always makes me feel fantastic when people actually read this stuff:) I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. megan! you have no idea how much i love this! thats exactly how i feel about myself and how i think everyone should feel! you are one awesome chica my friend!

    1. Ah Haley thank you! I completely agree! Everything is so much easier when you stop trying to become someone else and find out who you are.

  3. YOU. Are incredible. And I miss you!

    1. Oh my heck I miss you so much its ridiculous! Thank you so much for reading this! You're glorious.
