Friday, February 17, 2012

Scatter-brained, Lovely, Empathy.

The Internet should be a place of escape, am I right? 
We come here to leave the real world, express our mind, listen to our favorite music, watch our favorite people be hilarious.
Sometimes it can be a black hole of lies and deception and hurt and temptation.
Hopefully most of us stay away from those kinds of sites, though.
I think we have all heard the term "cyber bully" before.
Not a happy term to be associated with.
Do you know why the Internet brings out such an ugly side in people?
Because they can put whatever they want online.
You can block them and you can delete the comments, but people still see it and some even believe it.
And we can say we don't care what people think, but when someone says something nasty about you and the entire school sees, it's going to hurt at least a little.
I know from straight up experience that even when it is just a tiny text message, it can drive you to do things you never thought you would ever be capable of.
Horrible things.
Being called fat and ugly doesn't ever feel good.
I don't care who you are.
When you feel like you have no one to turn to, no friends, no family.
Even if you do have these resources, sometimes you feel as if you couldn't trust anyone to understand what you are going through.
If you are going through this, I just want you to know, I share a similar connection with it.
I'm not going to tell you i know what you are going through.
Because our circumstances our different, and we are completely different people.
But I will always be willing to listen if you want to talk.
Cyber bullies are cowards.
They hide behind a computer screen and treat people like dirt just to get a couple of laughs.
At least real bullies can look you in the eye and step on you.
They are still cowards, and what they do is still wrong.
But still.
Those who destroy you through computer are so tiny that they feel powerful when they treat people like some sort of untouchable.
Through a computer.
It is a machine.
Grow a pair, people.
When did the world become so corrupt?
People used to be so real.
Why do people think it's so strange that I wish I was born in the late fifties? 
At least people weren't all tied up in themselves and lived real lives.
Every decade has it's issues, I suppose.
I just wish I could fix the entire world.
I would make it so that fashion was an art, not a competition.
I would make it so that people lived in music, not around it.
If only everyone were a song. 
If we were all created from the sound of beautiful music, the world would be perfect.
That is my heaven.
Where every single living thing is made from a song.

Anyways, thanks for reading my scattered thoughts.
I love you.

Song of the day:

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