Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Hey, everybody! Thanks for showing up! :) 
Here are a few of my sketches that are even remotely worth while.
Now if you are educated in art, you know how amature these are. Although I do think I show some promise. Let me know what you think! I appreciate any kind of feed back. Keep scrolling for more art and other posts!
The contrast in these pictures has been enhanced so that you can see them better.
Also my scanner kind of sucks. So, sorry about that.

These are just some nice little buildings that I did. Mostly a doodle, but I like them. They are inspired by the song Montezuma by Fleet Foxes
Very first self portrait. It isn't perfect, but I like it. 

 Indian? Cowboy? Whoever's hand it is, I was in the mood for fringe. :) Not the show. The clothing stuff.

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