Monday, July 2, 2012

Hit the Hard Subjects First, Win Them Over Later

Hi. It's like, eleven thirty at night. Which is early, I guess. But late for me to write a post. So let's hope I finish before my beddy bye time. I don't know why but I'm starving. Sorry, off topic! I have something to say to you today, my dear little readers! One of my normal rants. So heeerrree wee gooo.

Media these days is a huge influence in almost everyone's lives.
Even those mountain men on that show, because THEY ARE ON THE TV. Hello. Even though I respect those guys and kind of really want to become them. And have a righteous beard and kill my own food and such.

Anyways. Last year I took this digital media class. I loved it, not only because I absolutely worshipped my teacher because he loves eighties movies and indie music and Star Wars and whenever he mentioned the Breakfast Club I had one of my little freak out seizures. In a nutshell, he was fantastic.
He has one of those personalites who just lays it out straight. He is very blunt. And I learned most of what I'll be talking about in his class.

He once said that the people who control the media are more powerful than the president.
Think about it. Like honestly what do we do everyday?
If you're like me you spend most of your day on the internet and listening to music and watching TV.
(Let's not judge my personal habits. I spend to much time being sedentary. I'm working on it.)
And even if you don't spend all day with your mulitiple television shows and obsessing over instagram, most people watch the news and shop in stores and whatever.
I don't think we realize how much influence media has on us.
Do you know how they view us?
They see us as, to quote one of my favorite spongebob episodes, "Class A suckeroonies."
We are puddy in their hands and they know it.
And they can make absolutely ANYTHING cool or appealing.
For example, take the Justin Bieber movie. Watch it once, you love him. For some. Some people just plain out loathe him, which I can understand.
And I'm not hating on the Biebs. I love that kid.
But I also loved him before the movie itself (and I promise I'm not saying like "OMG, I'm better than allllll of you 'cause I knew Justin before the movvviiieeee." No. That's annoying. I'm simply making a point).
But I know tons of people who didn't like him much and then loved him when they saw the movie.
Because the people who made the movie know how to appeal to the audience. In this case, teenage and five year old girls.

The media makes drinking look glamorous and obviously only beautiful people drink alcohol, according to every commercial I've ever seen.
And that's another reason I think people give in so easily to media, because you only see beautiful people.
That girl is wearing those clothes and she is pretty, so I must shop at that store and I will look like her.
We convince ourselves that we will look a certain way if we do whatever the media tells us.

And then there are these models who make every single girl ever feel fat.
Modeling isn't so glamorous, though. Most of those women smoke like psychos and eat pills to keep their weight like that.
Thanks, but that's not how I want to live my life.
I like food. And my lungs.
And most of that unreal beauty comes from caked on makeup and an overload of photoshop.
 Most of us know that there is so much insane photoshop and makeup, but when we are looking through the magazines we seem to somehow completely forget that fact.
I really resent the media.
It bugs me because it is such a huge portion of my life and I often become a victim.
But I know better. And that is what bugs me. I need there to be a day that the media tells the entire truth.
One day, I tell you. I will lead my little crazy ranting hippie revolution and get JUSTICE.

I honestly could say so much more and it seems I can never get ou all that I can say in one post. I hope you guys don't get too mad at these, but I just have so much fun writing my little angry "Fight the Man" speeches. Anyways. I'm done. Thanks so much for reading my crazy scatterbrained thoughts. I love you.


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