Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tips for When You're Feeling Down:)

          I have been recently enlightened. I'm just pulling out of a really rough spot in my life. Turning sixteen didn't go well with me last year. I lost my way, and I have just found my way back. So, if you are as low as I was, here are some tips just for you, that have really gotten the job done for me.

  • Take up a hobby. Journaling, drawing, photography, dancing, whatever. Find your shtick and hold to it.
  • Yoga! I also include meditating in this category, because yoga simply is meditation that requires more skill and coordination. Focusing on balance and breathing helps you forget all of your problems, and you grow stronger in your core and in your mind.
  • Excersize. A lot. It gets out anger and stress, and you burn calories!
  • Get in touch with God. If you don't worship a form of deity, you can skip this, obviously. But this is a huge one for me, because it is helpful in finding who you are and remembering that there are much bigger things out there to worry about.
  • Let go of things that you cannot control. You can control your temper, you can't control whether or not people talk about you behind your back. You can control your grades, you can't control your sibling's temper. Just focus on the things that you know you have firm grip on.
  • Don't let little things bring you down. Focus on school work. Think about your future, where you want to be in five to ten years and act upon that, because that is really what is most important.
  • Remember all of the things and people that you have in your life, and be grateful for them.

I could probably go on forever, but I'll stop here to save you time! What really helped me the most was talking to someone about it. Talk to your parents, a close friend, or a counselor if you feel comfortable doing that. Don't ever consider hurting yourself, because that is never the answer, and it doesn't even work. It really makes you feel worse about yourself. Thanks so much for listening, or rather, reading what i have to say:)


  1. Thank you so much for this! I totally agree about yoga helping, I've started doing that this year and it's been a big lifesaver. This was a great help and a great reminder! Thanks Megan, you are truly a doll! I'm so glad I met you!

  2. Megan, your blog is so inspiring. Thanks for the tips! They are really helpful. Keep up the good work!
