Saturday, January 26, 2013

How to Party Right

So a while ago, my friend Batbilek and I went up the canyon and had an adventure. For those of you that know Bat, you know how artistic he is, so of course he brought his little ancient film camera.
This was when the snow was pure and wanted. It was so beautiful. I dream to relive it.
I seriously have never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life.
There was a little creek, black against the white snow. I know in the tale Snow White, when Snow's mother sees the snow and the red blood (after she accidentally pricks her finger from sewing) against the black window frame, it says that she had never seen anything so beautiful. After seeing the black creek against the snow, I knew exactly how she felt.
Maybe that's why I hugely value the subtle beauty of black hair against pale skin, just as Snow's mother did.

Even though the roads were pretty freaky and it was freezing cold, it was completely worth it. It was almost an otherworldly experience, because it was so quiet and peaceful.
Few people understand why I love winter so much. Not only is it the layers of clothes, hot chocolate, holidays, Fleet Foxes, The Smiths (and other gorgeous wintery music), it's the soberness.
Mother Nature is almost obnoxious in the summer with all of the green and yellow and pink and blue. The colors are too bright for me. It's obvious to the naked eye that nature is pretty.
But in the winter, it takes so much more to appreciate. Winter has to be reveled, not just glanced at, for one to notice how delicately stunning it really is.
It takes thought.
A lot of people don't take that extra moment to acknowledge something that takes thought.
I thought I'd mention that every one of these photos is completely thanks to Bat's amazing photography.
I am not a model at all.

Seriously. He is amazing. I wish I could be as artistic as he is. To check out the full quality of these beauts (and to go see Bat's other stuff [trust me, it's freaking worth it]) go click his name up at the top of this post. Thank you so much for reading! I adore you.
Song of the day 

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