Monday, May 20, 2013

Tales of a Retailer

I was at work yesterday and on Sundays we have a different clientele than normal.
I don't mind and actually think it's refreshing.
You get sick of all the rich white thirteen and fifty-year-olds, ya feel?
Yesterday particular a group of women walked in.
It was obvious that they were lesbians, and were probably shopping with friends as couples.
Personally I have no problem with this and it's actually a rather common occurrence where I work.
I don't see why anyone would have an issue, seeing as everyone needs clothing.
But then my coworker came up to me and said
"There are so many Mexicans and dykes is here right now."
For those of you who don't know what the word "dyke" means, essentially it is a derogatory term used to describe masculine lesbian women.
While these women were dressed in men's clothing and had short hair, i see no reason to use such a word as an insult.
I was extremely offended, especially since this isn't the first time I've seen something like this happen.
I am not a lesbian, but I don't see why it would matter if I was.
Why do people treat homosexuality like a plague?
Straight people can dress however they want, so why cant a woman cut her hair short and wear baggy pants all while liking women and get away with it?
It's not like they're judging me for wearing mom jeans and Harry Potter glasses.
I don't know about you, but I would never want anyone to make assumptions about me simply because I dress a certain way.
So why would I do it to other people?
The women that came in yesterday actually seemed like really lovely people, and I greeted and helped them the same as I would any other customer.
I don't care how you dress or what you look like, to me you're human.
Quit falling for labels. Stereotypes do not define a person.

song of the day (oldie, but I thought it fit my thoughts well.)

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