I know, I know. I'm long overdue for a new post.
Just a quick update.
I've been suuuper busy with school.
I took the freakin ACT.
Kill me now.
This past weekend I went on a nice little overnighter with my Laurels.
I love 'em.
We went up to one of the leader's cabin, and it was adorable!
There was an organ there that was brought across the plains.
Apparently her husband's grandfather was the conductor for MoTab.
Bomb Diggity.
We had a scripture marathon, where we were supposed to try and finish Alma by ourselves.
We started in Helaman, and had three chapters left by one in the morning.
Everyone was falling asleep.
We got about halfway through 3 Nephi in the morning,
It was amazing, reading about Christ coming to the Americas.
His teachings are so precious.
And then we skipped to the last chapter of Moroni.
So good.
After that, on the way home, we watched Pride and Prejudice the Pink Bible version.
I am in love with it!
We stopped at Dairy Keen in Heber for lunch, and we saw President Uchtdorf there.
Pretty much we were all freaking out.
I feel like I am being so amature right now.
I wish I could write like a beast every post, but I just wanted to talk about my own life for a couple of secundos.
Is that even a word?
So, I'm on a huge 80's kick right now.
I have always loved them, but lately...
The fashion, the
music, the movies, everything.
And John Hughes.
I could go on forever, but don't worry, I won't.
Ahh. alright, I'll stop now.
Thank for reading,
I love you! :)