Friday, February 15, 2013

My Hurr

Hi. I cut all of my hair off. People keep asking me why.
Here's the thing.
My favorite hobby is art.
Especially sculpting.
And my hair would always get in the way and I always ALWAYS lose pony tails.
Also, people don't seem to understand that hair is literally just a bunch of dead cells sitting there on your head.
And they just sit there.
And we obsess over how long it is and if it's shiny or greasy or blonde, brown, pink, whatever.
Hair isn't going to affect how well you do in school.
It won't affect your career choice (unless you go into hair school I guess.)
It won't choose your religious orientation.
So why in the heck do we whine and cry and beg our parents to let us get extensions when in the end, when we're rotting in our grave it's just going to fall off and decay inside the ground.
So, in order to live a less materialistic lifestyle, I cut it all off.
I guess adding to that, my Ipod was stolen today.
Sooo I'll have to some how live without it until I have the money to buy a new one.
Thanks for reading I would marry you but I'm under age so ya know.

Song of the day <-- don't pay attention to the lyrics in the video for this song. Some of them are incorrect.

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