Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Because everyone at my school is so annoying about this and I don't have a better title.

Why is every teenager on this earth so obsessed with having a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I honestly don't see the appeal.
What, you have someone follow you around everywhere, controlling all of your free time, texting you every night? Big freakin whoop.
I mean yeah, when it's right, it's right. Duh. I'm not dissing you and your boyfriend.
But it's like, you can't ever be sure it's right when you're in high school. You've had at most like two boyfriends who were both probably not really even boyfriends and they were both probably huge jerks. Hence the fact they are in the past.
So how do you know it's right?
You can't know.
I mean come on, most of us can hardly plan a future that involves us alone. What makes us think we can plan a future that revolves around another person?

Every guy you ever date you'll either break up with or marry.
In that perspective, dating in high school becomes extremely unattractive,
Especially in my case, because I can't even hold a real conversation with half of my close friends.
How the heck am I supposed to hold a conversation with the same person for the rest of my life?
Yeah, not going to happen.

It seems sad, but I don't see myself getting in a relationship for the next few years,
much, MUCH less getting married.
The thought of it terrifies me.
Not because I'm afraid to get married.
I just can't think about the commitment of the whole thing.
I mean think about it.
Getting married is basicaly giving yourself to another person.
You become so close, and it freaks me out.
It literally makes me sick to my stomach, thinking about living with the same person forever.
It's not like I never want to get married, but I want to figure myself out first.
I want independence.

Maybe I'll be a Utah old maid and get married after I turn twenty five.
But I really feel bad for those girls who get married right out of high school.
It's like, live a little.
Make mistakes, go to college, get an education.
Date a whole bunch of college guys.
Get a job at a bakery, then a shoe store, then a music store.
Don't get married because you feel obligated to.
Don't get married because you have nothing else to do.
And to my fellow LDS girls, DO NOT WAIT ON YOUR MISSIONARY.
That's amazing that he went on a mission, but there's a huge chance you are going to wait two years for a guy who isn't even going to marry you.
Don't waste your time and LIVE for goodness sakes.
(edit: there isn't anything wrong with marrying an RM that you dated before they left, what I was trying to get across here is that girls who are thinking about waiting on a missionary, don't waste time writing to them every day and get yourself out there so you know for sure that you want to marry this missionary. Also never distract your missionary from doing His work with promises that you potentially cannot keep.)

Take my advice, please. Live how you want to, not because it's part of your religion or family, but because it's what you've chosen.
Choose for yourself. You're nearly an adult for crying out loud.

Thank for reading, loves! I've missed big posts like this.
song of the day (because it's all wintery now and this is my all time favorite winter song)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thoughts of a surviving senior.

Every day I wake up and tell myself,
Megan, no matter what you do, how you dress, how much weight you lose, someone somewhere is going to judge you.
And that is their problem, not yours.
Dress how you want, go to college where you want, and be the person you want to be.
Because what they think only matters if you let it.

song of the day